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Aussie Article and Thoughts on Canine Massage
by Maria K. Duthie c.e.f.m.p.

What is it that makes our four legged friends jump, run, sit, and lay down? It is their nearly 600 hundred muscles which. Every joint has a pair of muscles, which work to bend and straiten the limb. Imagine how it must feel to have one of those muscles not wanting to work yet still having to go on with a normal dog day. Still jumping when the gluteals are pulled, still running when the deltoid is in spasm. Dogs will work for you because they love to please. All of another or us at one time have needed to rub their arm or leg, dogs need to also but they do not have hands to do so. (Read the full article)

Backing up your dog with Massage
by Maria K. Duthie c.e.f.m.p.

Each muscle in your dogs body works together to form a picture of speed and grace. If one of those muscles is tight it can throw off the entire picture making it difficult for the dog to perform up to his or her ability. One group of muscles that can effect many of the dogs’ movements is the back muscles. In the following article we will discuss some things the back does and how we can help keep it in shape. (Read the full article)
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Giving Goldens A Grin with Canine Massage
by Maria K. Duthie animal massage practitioner

Dogs of all ages and breeds can benefit from massage. The canine body is made up of nearly six hundred muscles. These muscles are working all the time even when our friends are curled up on the couch. Dogs can be very hard on their bodies therefore it is no surprise that they, like us, become stiff and soar. Massage is an excellent way to release the tension. (Read the full article)
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Rusty -with deep love and great sadness I will miss you so. by Maria K. Duthie c.e.f.m.p.

I wanted to let all of you know that my best friend died last night in my arms. I am more devastated then I can even well I am a mess. I really did not know how to write this or if you guys would even care to read all this but I wanted you to know how much I love him and how now I feel (Read the full article)
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Recovering- a look into an elbow break
by Maria K. Duthie c.e.f.m.p.

My five year old Australian shepherd fell fifteen feet out of the hay loft down to the cement floor. He hit the floor and screamed and I ran to him. He was given arnica montana within a few seconds of his accident. He was iced head to toe within fifteen minutes and we continued the ice off and on for the next five hours until he was splinted. The initial x-rays showed a break in the Ulna at the elbow joint. The original Vet was unable to splint it due to the location of the break. If his elbow was splinted incorrectly he could loose mobility. The only option for a break in this area is surgery. (Read the full article)
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Journal entry-Dec.5, 2008

This week I worked on a few dogs with digestive problems.  You normally would not consider these issues to be massage cases but really they are.  Giving the dogs a chance to relax and focus past the pain and discomfort can be very valuable.  This is effective for many problems that you face with your dog.   (Read the full article)
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Shoulder Lameness
Now that it's summer, and a very wet summer, our dogs are sometimes running in mud and can trip in holes. They can then end up with shoulder lameness caused by a strain in the neck. (Read the full article)
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Equine Lameness
Lameness is not always what it appears. Sometimes coming up short on a leg is a true lameness issue. This is very hard to detect and can often be thought of as purely stiffness. In some of these cases, it is the back that is giving the horse problems. To determine this, first run your hand down the back on both sides – feel for differences in vertebrae, heat or tenderness in the back. (Read the full article)
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Groin, Iliopsoas & Possible Cruciate Tears 

Over the past several months I have seen a number of dogs, both performance and active pet dogs, with the same problem under a variety of names. In all of these cases, the back muscle directly behind and below the rib cage on the affected side is tender and has several deep muscle spasms. This is the quadradic muscle and is deep under the spine and not easy to feel or to get to at all. In some cases this is all I find to be causing pain and in others the abductors or iliopsoas are also involved. (Read the full article)
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Diary of a Cruciate Ligament Tear-A 5 part Mini series on Jack’s recovery

Jack is a 9-year-old 13” Beagle, weighs 28 lbs., and is walked at least 1/2 hour everyday. He is in shape and healthy. He is very straight in the rear especially in the right rear where he tore his cruciate ligament.

When you tap on his hock when he is standing on all fours, his knee would tip forward. I always knew that he was a very good candidate for tearing a cruciate ligament. (Read the full article)
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Last updated on 09/16/2010

Maria Duthie, Animal Massage Practitioner
Appointments call 440.669.6023
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